Methods for Sustainable Agriculture
As agriculture continues to be the largest employer in the world, making it sustainable is essential. Food is a necessity and is not going to stop being one 50 to 100 years from now. So how do we preserve the environment to let the future generations benefit. It can be done through sustainability. Over recent years the word “sustainable” has become popular. The word is used in front of various things. But what is sustainable agriculture?
In simple words, sustainable agriculture is the production and cultivation of plant and animal products in such a way that it protects the environment. This allows you to produce quality products without compromising the future. The solution to this is to find the correct balance between the preservation of the environment and the need for food production. Sustainable agriculture is not the same as industrial agriculture, they do not use chemicals, or spray pesticides, or even use chemical fertilizers.
Sustainable Agriculture Education is important as the world’s resources are depleting, and the best way to prevent this is by practices that encourage sustainability. Sustainable agriculture has been growing in the past few years, this is due to the techniques of industrial agriculture. This led to a shift in agricultural methods. Some of them are:
- Permaculture: It is a food production system designed to reduce the waste of resources during production. Some of the processes are growing grain without tillage, sheet mulching, and keyhole gardens.
- Crop Rotation: This is one of the main techniques that is used in sustainable agriculture. This technique is made so that the farmers can avoid having de-fertilized soil due to growing the same crop over and over again. It also helps tackle the pests. This technique proposes that farmers can grow other crops that will fertilize the soil again without the use of chemicals.
- Soil Enrichment: Soil is the main component of agriculture, one way that is advised to make the soil fertilized is by leaving the residue of the harvested crop and animal manure. Organic Farmers’ Market Lake Forest Park is one place you can get the required resources for making a more sustainable farm.
- Pest predators: Pests are harmful to agriculture, one natural way to deal with them is by managing your farm in a way that it harbors animals like birds that eat these pests. Start-Up Farm Program can use this technique to deal with pests.
- Cover Crops: A farmer can plant oats or clover to prevent soil erosion. This will also help in suppressing the weeds and fertilizing the soil.
- Poly culture farming: This is similar to crop rotation. This involves growing many species of crop on one land, the different crops will complement each other by fertilizing the soil.
- Bio intensive Integrated Pest Management: It is a method that relies on the biological methods to deal with the pests. It also encourages crop rotation. Farmers can use biocontrol agents like ladybirds and sterile males.
- Better Water Management: To have a more sustainable agriculture farm you need to manage your water efficiently. The best way to do that is by using local crops as they are more adaptable to the water. Choose the right corps to grow in the correct areas. Crops that need more water need to be in the dry areas.
- Agroforestry: This has become an important tool among farmers that live in dry areas. This process involves the growing of shrubs and trees among the crops. By combining both the forestry and agriculture practices, you will have a more productive and long-lasting land.
- Biodynamic Farming: This technique focuses on the use of practices like the application of animal manure, cover cropping, and composting to make the soil more healthy and fertile. Biodynamic farming incorporates both holistic and ecological growing practices. A Start-Up Farm Program that grow different varieties of produce can use this technique to keep the soil fertile.